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Camping in my studio

Living in a studio is a lot like camping only not in the woods. At least this is what the advertisers want us to believe. Just about any studio-friendly item is suggested as a “good solution for camping, boating and college dorms.”

Here I am, camping in the interior of my tiny kitchen. Having no full-size appliances, I have to make do. I have inherited this Waring Portable Cooktop from the previous studio owners. Looks not bad, doesn’t it? It was a disaster when I first had it.

My Waring guy has a stainless steel surface and two burners to boot. The larger one is for the actual cooking, while the smaller one is for keeping warm or simmering. Both burners, being made of cast iron, take their own sweet time to get hot and likewise to cool down. The red “on” light goes on once a knob is turned, and the green “ready” light follows when the burner is hot according to the chosen setting. There is no automatic shutoff feature.

The surface does get hot when in use, and is hard to clean. It looked awful when I first had it so for a while I toyed with an idea of buying a new one. However based on the reviews, it’s a hit or miss so  I decided to make do. Have ended up sanding it with a #150 sandpaper that took quite a bit of time and effort, had to do it in stages but the end result, yay it worked, save for the sanding marks visible in the picture. Going over them with a #220 sandpaper is my next project. Bingo, I don’t have to buy a new cooktop!


 Corn on a cob, anyone? It’s cooking, right up there…

Overall I am happy with the Waring Cooktop but wish I could remove the knobs, soak them in hot soapy water and then put back on.  Oh well, no such luck.

By the way, lots of online reviews are written by some folks who have no slightest idea how the cast iron burners work… And what is wrong with everyone trying to heat water on it, of all things? This is what the electric kettle is for. Duh.

Here is my good old electric kettle by Proctor-Silex:


Inspired by the studio living and Today’s Prompt: Interior

Other Interior Thoughts:
How to Start 2017 Right
Just Imagine
Working on my interior
The Blessed Interior
The Interior Feline
My Apartment
We Are The World
Interior Design

5 thoughts on “Camping in my studio

  1. Funny coincidence that I’ve just been doing the same thing for the past two days. I melted my teakettle onto my burner. The plastic handle ran down and puddled on the stainless steel. I mean all the way around the burner..it looked like a raccoon’s eye! I tried baking soda and vinegar which removed a bit while it was still boiling hot, but then had to resort to razor blade, which didn’t work, and steel wool. I worked for hours but alas, your cooktop looks better than mine. I have every grit of sandpaper in my jewelry making supplies, so that will have to be my next try..or I considered melting plastic over the rest of the cooktop in a sort of dalmatian or pinto motif.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I hear you. I am so sorry to hear what happened to your cooktop. I’m hoping you’ll find some ways to clean it. Love the comparison with the raccoon’s eye lol

    Thanks for reading my post and making a comment 🙂

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